Join this 2-3hr workshop with South African artist Derric van Rensburg where he will walk you through painting a beautiful lakeside cottage in acrylics. Filmed live on 4th March 2021. Towards the end of the workshop (and as a bonus), Derric gives us a little tour of his gallery studio in Cape Town.
See Reference photo and recommended materials below.
In this workshop, you will learn how to stylistically capture maximum effect from minimal materials! You will paint a relaxing wilderness scene of a cottage surrounded by trees on a lake/wetland. Derric will show you how to apply a brush texture very simply to a canvas and use brushes as ‘tools’ to create texture and atmosphere, in addition to finding definition in the subject and highlighting atmosphere and points of interest.
The workshop will also include a brief tutorial in colour mixing and tonal value. By brushing, dabbing, pushing, pulling you will use the brush as a ‘tool’ to achieve very effective texture.
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See Reference photo and recommended materials below:
Suggested preparation: Using a varnishing brush, apply a soft colour (such as oche/ yellow mixed with white) to the canvas and allow to dry. The use of a varnishing brush sets the scene for a textured outcome.
Recommended materials list
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Canvas: Approximately 40x60 cm, however, any rectangular shaped canvas is sufficient
Paint: Any acrylic paint with the approximate colours mentioned below. South African brands include Zellen or Schub. International brands include Lukas or Daler Rowney. The table below lists the paint pigments needed (examples given in two different brands).
Zellen Cobalt blue is very different from other brands of Cobalt blue (try and source a different brand for this particular workshop)
Brushes: Flat nylon bristle (1 or 2 inch), smaller flat nylon bristle, Rigger brush (no. 1 if possible), varnishing brushes for rough textures etc. The varnishing brushes are very useful in a variety of width sizes and inexpensive. Other: Stanley blade, palette sheet/ glass/ small white board to mix colours on, spray bottle of water (optional)