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Workshop: A busy Harbour scene with Amit Kapoor

Join artist and author Amit Kapoor for a 2-3hour workshop webinar as he walks you through painting a busy harbour scene. Filmed live from India on 16th March 2021.


See Reference photo and recommended materials below:

In this workshop Amit will walk you through step by step painting a beautiful boating scene covering all fundamentals of composition. Amit will look at the source of light and perspective and how to stage your canvas looking at different views. You will learn how to look at element and line of action of properties.

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Example painting

Ref photo

Recommended materials list

(Click image below and get 10% OFF your first order from Jackson's art - ships globally)

Recommended materials

• Half Sheet (22X15 inches) cold press or rough sheet (Brand- Arches, Saunders) • Rigger Brush, 10 No. Round brush, 16 or 18 No. Round brush (Amit uses Escoda Signature Brushes.) • Watercolours (Amit uses Mijello Mission Gold) Ultramarine Blue, Lavender, Cobalt Blue, Vermillion Red, Red Brown, Van Dyke Brown, Raw Umber, Deep Yellow, Orange, Horizon Blue or Turquoise Blue/Green, Olive Green


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