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Join professional textile artist and landscape artist of the year contender, Katy Rundle for this four part textile and free-motion embroidery series, filmed live from England.
Katy will provide four, 1hr art textile tutorial webinars, working towards a stunning finished piece - a Textile Hare.
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PART I: Fabric and Pattern
Broadcast 8 June '23
Choosing different tones, using the printed designs. Making a start with the collage.
PART II: The Face
Broadcast 15 June '23
Create the collage of the hares face.
PART III: Free motion embroidery
Broadcast 22 June '23
How free motion works, what direction should the stitches take, what colour threads. Making a start to the face.
PART IV: Finishing and Background
Broadcast 29 June '23
Continue the embroidery while giving consideration to the background and framing.
This textile art piece will take longer than the 4 hours of instruction. Those taking part will need to continue for an hour or 2 between classes, and are likely to need extra time to finish after the final class.
Reference artwork
Reference photo
Completed work
1.Print out of reference photo of hare A4 size
2. Print the Outline Pattern drawing to A4 size and then make a second copy traced onto tracing paper 3. A piece of plain cotton (calico) backing fabric 40x30cm to fix the whole composition too. This will add stability for the stitching. 4. Pick a minimum of 6 different tone (going from lightest to darkest) and design fabrics. You can choose any colour palette- the hare doesn’t have to be brown! *But, the fabrics need to work well together. Choose a contrasting (opposite side of colour wheel to hare colour works well) background fabric 40x30cm - could be plain or patterned. PA 5. Bondaweb to back your fabrics. Fix the bondaweb to the back of each square of fabric prior to the class. **If you don’t have Bondaweb or other fusible, Pritt-stick glue could be used. 6. Thread to compliment the colours of chosen fabrics, both light and dark, variegated works really well. 7. Sewing machine with free motion embroidery foot OR needle (to work by hand - the stitching will take a lot longer, obviously) 8. Sharp small fabric scissors 9. General scissors for paper cutting 10. Erasable quilting pen for drawing round pattern pieces (or any pencil that will work on fabric) 11. Ironing board and hot iron
Katy recommends using thin cotton fabrics, such as those used for quilting. If you wish (or need) to buy new fabrics, a ‘fat quarter’ quilters pack would be perfect as they are usually complimentary colours and patterns. Each piece of fabric (apart from backing piece) can be as small as 20 cm square for this project.
Super informative. I'm anxious to use my new skills. Thank you so much Katy! You are so inspiring. I love that I can review any time.
What a fab workshop, such a god idea to split into 4 parts allowing us time to try out Katies techniques. So many usefull hints and tips. I also look forward to going through the videos again.
I enjoyed this class very much and I thought Katy was a good teacher. She was a new artist to me which was fun. Zoom has enabled us to enjoy a variety of techniques and teachers. I will say that I thought maneuvering the website and finding correct times for zoom and how to post pictures was difficult. Either more specific instruction or simplifying the process would be appreciated.
I've been a long time fan of Katy Rundle, discovered in a Kaffe Fassett fb group when I saw her pigeon. I was thrilled to have taken this class! What a wonderful collection of videos and instructions. I am excited to finish my hare, and start another. I hope she has another course in the works.
Excellent course, easy to follow Katys clear instructions, learnt so much more about fabrics, colour matching and collage. Look forward to the next course Katy. Well done