Join watercolour artist Michal for a beautiful afternoon in Valencia. A 2-3 hour workshop, broadcast live from Poland on 10th June 2021.
See reference and recommended materials below:
In this delightful workshop, Michal will teach you how to interpret a busy urban scene of Valencia by choosing the most important elements whilst removing others, emphasising the light to create a stunning finish.
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Reference painting
Reference photo
Materials Top-Up
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Recommended materials
• PAPER: A half-sheet (~30x50cm) of good quality cotton paper
• PAINTS: Watercolour paints: cobalt blue, ultramarine, Payne’s grey, cobalt teal or turquoise, lavender raw sienna, burnt sienna or iron oxide, magenta, light red, light green or yellow green cadmium, yellow deep and light (or any other light and deep shade of yellow). Some opaque's: titanium white, Jaune Brilliant (Holbein).
• BRUSHES: A medium flat brush, one or two squirrel mops and a few synthetic pointed round brushes
• OTHER: Any kind of atomizer, painting knife and some tissues.