Workshop: Fish Market in Japan

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Join Keiko Tanabe for a 2hrs+ exclusive workshop webinar where she shows you how to paint a fish market in Japan. Filmed live on 29th October 2020.


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Keiko will demonstrate a watercolour painting of an outdoor fish market in Japan, her homeland. With the knowledge of perspective, we will create a street scene with nice depth and an inviting feel. She will also show you how to do figures inside a landscape painting which always adds interest and tells a story.

**See workshop reference pictures and recommended materials below**

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Materials required:

[These are the supplies I use but you’re welcome to use what you have]

• Paper: watercolor paper (your favorite brand, preferably 100% cotton), rough, 12"x16" or 14"x20", 140lb

• Paints: raw sienna, burnt sienna, neutral tint, French ultramarine, alizarin crimson, orange, cadmium red, cobalt turquoise, titanium white and your favorite colours

• Brushes: one for a wash (such as Escoda ultimo #14 and Rafael softaqua #6), one for details (such as Escoda perla #12 and a small calligraphy brush), and a rigger

Paintings received: