Private Workshop: Capturing light in line and wash with Tim Fisher

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

Join leading painter Tim Fisher (aired live on Thu 6th Aug '20) as he paints Oaks Cottage, Loughrigg.

In this workshop, aimed at all abilities, you will be exploring how to turn a low key photograph into an interesting and exciting painting using ink line work combined with a limited palette of watercolours.

If time allows we will also be exploring brush techniques with a view to developing different foliage styles and shapes.

If you can't make the date or want to re-watch it, you can also watch the video of the live session by clicking the unlocked video below (when available). If it isn't unlocked, you can purchase it by visiting the shop here:

See video, reference picture, materials required and paintings received below.

Reference Picture:

Workshop Video (to unlock this video, purchase here)

(If you have paid to unlock the video but still can't see it showing, please contact us)

Materials Required
Watercolour paints (preferably tubes)

- French ultramarine blue (equivalent colour Cobalt blue)

- Primary yellow (equivalent colours, cadmium yellow, lemon yellow)

- French vermillion (equivalent colour Alizarin crimson)

- Yellow ochre (equivalent colour raw sienna)


- Jacksons pure squirrel mop size 6 or any squirrel with a round 6mm ferrule

- Size 8 round brush (nylon or synthetic)

- Size 12 round brush (nylon or synthetic)

- 3/4” flat brush (nylon or synthetic)


- Watercolour paper 11”x15” not surface, 300gms Bockingford, Arches, Saunders Waterford or any surface you are familiar with. Plus a spare piece for tree practice

Other items

- Drawing board that can be tilted (books or blocks can be placed under the edge)

- 3B pencil

- Eraser

- Water container

- Watercolour palette

- Kitchen roll

- Masking tape

- Bottle of white FW acrylic ink or equivilent

- Fine waterproof drawing pen eg. Pitt artist Pen. (Test for waterproofness before the workshop)

- Hairdryer

Paintings sent in to us:

Debbie R.